Billsby Pages

Create instant landing pages to sell and promote your subscription business

Updated over a week ago

No website? No problem. With Billsby Pages you can create instant landing pages to sell and promote your subscription business. Pages is a Billsby Labs project and it is free for all Billsby customers. However, it's not part of our core product and it might not be as stable, so we cannot guarantee that it'll be here for the long haul - but we will give you at least 90 days notice if we ever decide to shut it down.

Pages is simple and easy to use with Billsby Checkout and Account Management built in, with no integration required. That's right, you won't even have to copy and paste a single line of code.

Creating your account

There are three sections you need to fill out in order to successfully create and login to your Billsby Pages account.

First, you need to input your Billsby URL. If you are unsure of what your URL is, simply head to your Billsby account and it will be displayed in the URL bar.

Input what comes before '' in the URL box. In the example above, you would put 'plant'.

Next, create a password of more than eight characters that is comprised of lower-case letters, at least one upper-case letter and at least one special character.

Finally, input your API key. To find this, navigate to the Billsby control panel and head to Settings > Configuration > API keys and webhooks and it will be located in the API keys tab.

Editing your page

When you login, you'll be taken to the screen to edit your main page. You'll want to pick a color scheme and add a title and description.


If you then scroll down the page, you can add your logo and a background image to the header of the page if you wish.

You can edit the heading text, subscribe button text and manage account text on this page. As you update these fields the header preview will update.

If you'd like to link the subscribe button on this page to a specific product, plan or cycle, click on the button provided and select which product, plan or cycle you'd like to link it to.

Sales pitch

The sales pitch section is as you'd expect, a place to pitch your subscription product or service to potential customers. You can use headings, quotes, lists and the underline feature to really hammer your points home.

The gallery

The gallery section allows you to upload up to four promotional images to help sell and show off your subscription product or service.


The FAQs section allows you to answer any commonly asked questions about your subscription product or service.

After making changes to your page, remember to click 'Save changes to page' at the bottom to save the changes.

Managing your pages

To mange your pages, click 'My Pages' in the top left. This will take you the 'Manage Pages' tab.

Here you can add new pages as well as edit, rename and delete your existing pages.

Domain name

Your page URL was set for you when you signed up to Billsby Pages, and it isn't possible to change it. At the moment, we can't host it a custom domain name. This is something we might offer in the future. However, domain name providers do offer the option to redirect visitors, so your could redirect them to your Billsby Page. You can find instructions on how to do this for the most popular domain name registrars on the 'Account Domain Name' page.

Footer links

The Footer Links tab allows you to add links to your social media pages as well as your contact email and a copyright notice.


On the Statistics tab you can access information regarding how many visitors your page has had within the last thirty days, in the form of a bar chart.

Delete Pages

The Delete Pages tab does pretty much what it says on the tin. If you want to delete your Billsby Pages account and log out, press the red button. However, once you delete your account it cannot be recovered and if you want to use Billsby Pages again, you will have to set up a new account that will not have any of your content or changes saved.

Requesting new features

We'd love to hear your ideas on how to improve Billsby Pages. You can share your feedback here.

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