Keeping my customers' cards up to date

Updating your customers' payment details and keeping track of filed payments, so you can stay up to date and never miss a payment.

Updated over a week ago

Making sure that your customer's card details are up to date is imperative for making sure that your schedule payments go off without any problems. With Billsby, we make this easy as possible with automated reminders and filtering to get you in the information you need on your customers cards quickly and without hassle.

The first step is making sure that you have Billsby set up to notify your clients if their payment method is about to expire. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Email notifications > Expiring payment methods, and make sure all three options are checked - this way you can make sure you've taken all the pre-emptive action you can.

Checking for expired cards

You can't always rely on customers to update their cards, even when they have been sent several reminders, so you might want to check your account every month or so for any customers whose cards have expired.

On the Billsby dashboard you'll see Expired cards in the top right hand corner. If you click on this, you'll get a full list of customer with expired cards on their account.

You can then go ahead and contact these customers directly to get their details updated.

Filtering for Unpaid invoices

Sometimes a scheduled payment fails because of other issues with the card, for example the customer may have moved and updated their billing address - or the card that was linked to Billsby is now inactive as they got a new bank. To keep track of this, you can keep an eye on your unpaid invoices by filtering for Unpaid. Navigate to Invoices and credit notes > Invoices and click on the filter icon next to the Status column to do this.

You'll want to go ahead and check why these payments have failed by checking the logs of the payment failure. To do this, click though to one of the unpaid invoices and use the link in the top right corner to go through to the customer page.

Under the Invoices tab you'll see the unpaid/failed invoice. Click on the linked transaction(s) to open the associated transactions. Next, you'll need to click on the arrow for the latest transaction to see the logs on the failure.

The logs will open in a side modal and there will be quite a lot of information that you don't need to sift through. What you're looking for is the message as this will give you the reason for the failure. If you're not sure what it means, you can google the message along with the name of your payment gateway for more information.

Once you're able to resolve the issue, you can re-attempt the invoice. If you're still on the customer profile, hit replace payment method in the top right of the customer profile.

This will open a side modal where you'll be able to either send your client a link to update their card details themselves, or you can manually add the information yourself. Once this is done, the account will be up to date and billing can continue as normal.

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