How do I use coupons?
Coupons are the tools we use to unlock discounts. Whether your discounts are exclusive or stackable; percentage based or monetary based; or limited to certain kinds of customers, customers will need to provide a coupon code to gain access. You can create as many coupon codes as you like – and these can be single-use, multi-use, or even programmatically generated by your API.
You can set caps, too, to control how many customers use the code, or when you’d like it to expire.
How to create coupons
To create a coupon, you'll need to have created the discount first.
Navigate to Products > Discounts and coupons in the left hand side menu. Next, find the relevant discount, and click the corresponding Add a Coupon button.
To set up your coupon, you'll need to give us some key information:
The name of your coupon
You should give your coupon a name that makes it easily identifiable to you. We won't show this to your customers at any point, this is only for internal use.
Which customers are eligible
If the coupon is just for new customers, they'll be able to apply the code during the checkout flow. If the coupon is for existing customers, however, they will be able to apply the code within their account management modal or you can add it manually to their account in the app. In addition, you can choose to make the coupon available to all customers – existing and new.
The type of coupon
Single-use coupons can only be used once by one customer, but you can generate as many as of these as you need at one time. These types of coupons are great for security, as the code won't be able to be passed around between customers and prospective customers. Once the coupon creation is complete you'll be able to download a CSV file with all of the coupon codes generated.
Multi-use coupons, by contrast, will allow you to create one code that can be used multiple times by different customers. You’ll still be able to specify how many times it can be used by adding a Uses limit.
For both types of coupons you'll be able to specify if you want the discount to have an expiration date, which is the date that customers will no longer be apply to apply the discount using this code, and a discount length, which is the length of time that the discount will apply to the subscription once the coupon has been added.
FAQs about coupons
Lifetime and fixed discounts: what’s the difference?
Fixed-term discounts can be applied to your customer’s account for a defined period of time. Lifetime discounts have been designed to apply to your customer’s account for the duration of their subscription.
If you need to remove the discount from a customers account, you can do this
What about expiration dates?
If you’d like a particular coupon to expire at a certain time, this is easy to set up. Simply hit the toggle with ‘Expiration date’ on it when creating your coupon, and select the desired date.
You can also edit this at a later date. Locate the relevant coupon within the ‘Products > Discounts and Coupons’ section, and hit ‘Expire’.
Discounts will not be removed from your customer's subscriptions when a coupon expires.
Can I have multiple coupons for the same discount?
You absolutely can! A good example here would be if you want to run promotional events for different seasons, but you want your Christmas discount to be longer than a birthday discount. You can just click Add coupon on the discount to create another coupon, and you'll follow the same set-up process for that with a different fixed term, and voila! You now have 2 coupons worth the same value but can be applied to a subscription with different lengths.
Is it possible to generate more single-use coupons?
Yes. If you want to generate more codes for a coupon you’ve already created, locate the coupon and hit Edit. In the How the coupon works section, type how many new codes you want to generate, and then select the Generate more button. A new CSV will be created which contains all your new coupon codes.
Great! I’m ready to get started. Is there anything else I should know?
Coupons are case sensitive – so do bear this in mind, particularly when setting up multi-use coupons.