Understanding your cancellations

Using our Exit reasons report to understand why your customers are leaving

Updated over a week ago

When your customers cancel it's important for you to know why, so you can understand what you can do to reduce churn and keep your customers around for longer. With our Exit reasons report, we'll give you a breakdown of the reasons chosen by your customer from your pre-configured choices.

To configure this, navigate to Settings > Configuration > Pause and cancel subscription. On the Cancel tab of this page, you'll be able to customize the cancellation journey for your customers when they cancel via the self-service cancellation tool.

On this page you'll also be able to configure your refund policy and set up your retention steps to try and get your customers to stay.

Exit reasons

Exit reasons allows you to get feedback from cancelling subscribers. During the cancellation flow in the account management modal, your customer will be given a list of pre-configured reasons to choose from.

There are several default reasons pre-configured but you also have the option to add any additional exit reasons to fit your company requirements. To do this, simply type the exit reason in the space provided and click 'Add'.

To delete any of the exit reasons, hit the red delete icon on the right-hand side.

Make sure to click Update exit reasons after you've made any changes.

You'll be able to see a summary of why customers are cancelling their subscriptions by navigating to Reports > Self-service > Exit reasons. Here, you can generate monthly exit reasons reports for your each of your products.

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